
Applying for Social Security disability benefits (SSD) can be time-consuming and stressful.  Even if you are eligible to receive them, your application may still be denied and you will need to timely appeal.    Social Security has sufficient proof of medical and/or mental disabilities the prevents you from doing substantial gainful work for at least 12 continuous months.   

A Social Security disability attorney with almost 40 years of experience, C. Roland Krueger will prevent you from making mistakes  that could result in lengthy delays or a denial of benefits. When should you hire a social security disability attorney?

Seek Legal Counsel From the Start

If you want to apply for SSD benefits, get the advise of a qualified, experienced social security disability attorney as soon as possible.   

social security disability attorneyYour Social Security Disability attorney can assess your health and financial situation to determine the benefits you may be eligible to receive. If you’re eligible for SSD, your lawyer will then guide you through every step of the application and appeal process. This includes acquiring your medical records.

You will need to seek out necessary medical and, if applicable, mental health care.  You also need to inform your attorney of your past and ongoing treatment and medical tests regarding your disabling conditions. 

If Your Application Is Denied

You need to appeal, making sure Social Security receives your appeal within 65 days of when social security denies your claim.  

If you want to hire a Social Security disability attorney, contact C. Roland Krueger Attorney and Counselor at Law in Lexington, NC. To learn more about Mr. Krueger’s primary areas of law practice are social security disability, consumer bankruptcy, and and traffic violations defense.  See his  website or call (336) 248-8464.
