
Many people grind or clench their teeth on occasion, and most don’t even notice they’re doing it. But constant tooth grinding—referred to in the dental world as bruxism—can really damage your teeth and lead to serious oral health problems. The dentists at Premier Dental, in London, KY, are here to explain what causes this condition and offer some treatment options that may help.

What Causes Bruxism?

There are several reasons people grind their teeth. The condition often stems from constant stress and anxiety, or it occurs in patients with an abnormal bite or missing and crooked teeth. In some cases, sleep apnea contributes to bruxism, and many people only grind during sleep.

If you aren’t sure, think about how you felt when you woke up this morning. Did you have a headache, or notice your jaw muscles felt sore? According to dentists, these are common symptoms of tooth grinding.

How Do I Treat This Condition?

night-guard-dentistFirst, schedule a dental exam and have your dentist check for signs of bruxism. He or she will then take an impression of your teeth, and design a mouth guard—or night guard—that you can wear while you sleep. Other treatment options include avoiding alcohol and caffeine.

Bruxism isn’t something to ignore. If left untreated, it can cause excessive wear and tear on the teeth, which may lead to fractures and even tooth loss. Without a night guard, some patients may eventually need root canals, dental implants or even complete dentures to repair the damage.

If you suspect you are grinding, make an appointment with the dentists at Premier Dental. This team of professionals will examine your mouth and design a night guard to protect your teeth from further damage. To make an appointment, call (606) 877-3002 or visit the website for a complete list of cosmetic dentistry services.
