
A fresh coat of exterior paint will breathe new life into your home. It can make an older home appear fun and modern, or bring a brand-new home back to nature. Regardless of your exterior painting vision, there are a few key steps that will help you make the right color scheme decisions. The friendly painting contractors from E and E Painting LLC in St. Louis, MO, have the advice you need to attain a flawless finish. 

How to Select Exterior Painting Colors 

1. Plan Around What You Can’t—or Won’t—Change

Unless you also plan to install new roof shingles, update your driveway, and swap out your stone walkway, you need to plan around your property’s existing elements. You may love the idea of a warm yellow, for example, but it may not pair well with your khaki-colored walkway. Before committing to a color scheme, make sure it complements what’s already there.

2. Choose at Least 3 Shades

exterior paintingBlue-gray homes may be beautiful, but solid blue-gray homes are not. When selecting an exterior painting palette, people often forget they need to choose more than just one color. For a sophisticated and balanced look, you need to choose three complementary colors at minimum. You will need to choose a field color—which is the dominant color, an accent color—which makes doors, shutters, and other details pop, and a trim color—which is used for roof edgings, door casing, and railings. Look for shades that contrast and complement for a crisp, harmonic result.

3. Know Your Tones

Not everyone is a color design professional, and it can be surprisingly difficult to pair colors that please the eye. If you’re struggling to narrow down your paint selection, decide whether you want a warm or cool palette. For example, blue is a cool color, while brown is warm. While you can mix warm and cool colors, in general, it’s easier to find harmonious pairs within the same temperature range.  

For high-quality exterior painting services, consult the professionals from E and E Painting LLC. These painting and staining experts will ensure your home looks more beautiful than ever. To learn more, call today at (314) 399-9387 or visit the company’s website
