
Tooth decay affects everyone, but it is most prevalent in young children. Before they understand the importance of dental hygiene, your little ones might not brush as well as they need to, and they probably wouldn’t do it at all without Mom and Dad nearby. Although it can be difficult at times, preventing kids' cavities is possible. Below are a few suggestions you can try at home to keep your little one’s smile shining brightly.

3 Tips for Preventing Kids’ Cavities

1. Talk to Them

Although you should start brushing your child’s teeth from the moment the first one erupts, they will ultimately be responsible for their dental health. Take the time to explain why they should brush twice a day and learn how to floss correctly. Sometimes, visual aids like storybooks are an excellent way to explain what will happen if they don’t.

2. Set a Schedule

kids' cavitiesCreating a schedule of when your child needs to brush and floss each day will help them get in the habit of doing so. You can set up a calendar in their room or bathroom that shows when they need to brush—preferably once in the morning and right before bed—and floss. You can then place a sticker on the calendar for each time slot they don’t skip and offer a treat if they make it so many days without missing sessions.

3. Pack Teeth-Healthy Lunches

It can be hard to monitor your kid’s dental health when they are at school, but packing teeth-friendly lunches can help minimize plaque buildup. Crunchy vegetables, cheddar slices, and unsalted almonds are just a few snack items that will keep cavities at bay.


For more ways you can prevent kids’ cavities, contact the pediatric dentists at Discovery Dental in Eagle River, AK, today. They see children from their infancy well into their teenage years. If you’d like to learn more about their dental care services, visit their website. To schedule an appointment, call their office at (907) 622-5437.
