
At some point in your life as a homeowner or renter, you will likely be faced with a tripped circuit breaker. A tripped breaker can happen when you plug in a hair dryer or blender, causing everything connected to the wire to shut off. Circuit breakers help keep your home safe from electrical fires by protecting household equipment and the wires that power them. If your circuit breaker keeps tripping, residential electricians strongly recommend getting it serviced as soon as possible.

Residential Electrician Explains Why Your Circuit Breaker Keep Tripping

Overloaded Circuit

residential electriciansIf you have too many appliances running at the same time, the power source may become overloaded, leading to a tripped circuit. This generally occurs with larger appliances that use a lot of energy, such as your television, air conditioner, or toaster oven. Your circuit breaker trips to prevent overheating and subsequent fires. Turning off a few appliances and plugging them somewhere else before flipping the circuit breaker switch generally solves this problem. If you still experience issues after power redistribution, call your residential electrician for help.

Short Circuit

Short circuits occur when two hot wires touch, creating a heat-generating power surge. When this happens, the circuit breaker shuts off as a protective measure. Faulty or loose wiring are some of the typical causes of short circuits, as well as a hot wire making contact with a neutral one. Some signs of this issue include plugs or outlets with black or brown marks, as well as a burning odor.


Your circuit breaker plays a crucial role in keeping you and your family safe. If it keeps tripping, it needs immediate servicing. Rely on the residential electricians at E-Con Electric in Wisconsin Rapids, WI, to solve the issue. Schedule an appointment today by calling (715) 423-8440, or visit the website to learn more about their services.
