
Whether you require a dumpster rental for a commercial or residential lot, it can help keep your area clean and looking nice. To make the experience as rewarding as possible, Bin There Dump That – Cincinnati South, a bin rental service in Batavia, OH, has shared their top five tips for your rental. By understanding the best ways to use your dumpster, you can greatly enrich the benefits of the service and the cleanliness of the area.

5 Tips for Dumpster Rental

Don't Throw Everything Away

Many people are unaware that certain items are not allowed in a bin. Flammable, toxic, or hazardous materials must be discarded at a hazardous waste collection center. This includes batteries, paints or lacquers, fuel, tires, oils, infectious waste, and even contaminated soils and absorbents. By continuing to throw these things in your dumpster, you could create an issue with your provider. Be aware of what's not allowed and dispose of these items properly.

Fill It Up Evenly

dumpster rentalWhile many simply toss their trash bags over the side without care of where they land, this can cause problems for pick up. Instead, try to fill your dumpsters evenly by laying trash bags towards the back and working your way forward. This allows for a more even weight distribution, which helps the trash truck and bin perform at top levels.

Clear the Way

Know when your pickup is going to happen and prepare for it by clearing the path of any obstructions. Empty boxes, traffic cones, wires, and tree branches can all cause a delay for the truck. Not only does this help out the driver; it also ensures your trash is cleared in a timely manner.

Do Not Overfill

Every bin has a weight limit. Understand this and do your best never to exceed it. Once the maximum capacity is reached, close the doors and lock them shut. This will prevent any neighbors from illegally dumping their trash into your bin. Overfilling can cause your dumpster to weaken. Keep it strong by only filling it to its intended limit.

Communicate With Your Service

Establish a relationship with whoever you are renting through. Make sure you both understand the contract and what is expected from both ends. This is the best way to avoid conflict or misunderstandings. If you have a question, you should call your provider right away.

Dumpster rental can be a helpful addition to your lot. Those in the South Cincinnati area use Bin There Dump That for all dumpster sizes. As an independent, family-owned business, you will find exactly what you need at an affordable price. For more information, visit their website or call (513) 732-2467 today.
