
Kids are naturally curious and eager to learn about the world around them. When it comes to early childhood learning, however, some little ones hit hurdles due to issues like fidgeting. Here, the tutoring center professionals at Northern Lights Preschool & Child Care in Anchorage, AK, provide learning hacks that can help.

Read on to find out what you can do to ensure kids are getting the most out of their schooling:

  • Look to Anti-Fidget Tools: If you have an especially antsy child, invest in anti-fidget tools. A wiggly seat is a great option, allowing their bodies to remain moving while their minds are engaged elsewhere. A simple loom band bracelet can also serve as an easy on-the-go option to keep little hands busy.
  • tutoring centerCreate a Homework Station: Make a special spot just for doing homework outside of your child’s tutoring center. Stash it with necessary supplies, from pencils to rulers. Keep this a homework-only spot, so, when your little one is here, they will know it’s time to focus.
  • Simplify Writing With a Pompom: When kids are first writing, part of the process includes learning basic motor skills—holding and moving the pencil. Have your child hold a small pompom in their hand when writing. This improves muscle control and makes for neater lettering.
  • Tackle Numbers With an Abacus: If your child likes to count on their fingers but gets lost beyond single digits, an abacus can help. This makes it easy to demonstrate basic numerical concepts, like seeing tens being grouped into hundreds.
  • Boost Reading Confidence With the Rule of Five: When it comes to reading, one of the biggest hurdles for young learners is simply confidence. During reading time, silently count your child’s mistakes as they read aloud to you. If they make more than five errors, pick an easier book to start.

In general, one of the best things you can do to support your child’s learning is communicate with their teachers. The tutoring center professionals of Northern Lights Preschool & Child Care in Anchorage are always happy to work with parents to ensure kids are getting the best education possible. Known for their fun environment and passionate educators, this learning center offers various programs, from preschool care to one-on-one tutoring. Visit their website or call (888) 688-8794 to find out more.
