
With summer fully underway, you are likely running your central air unit nonstop to keep your home comfortable. With all that activity, an overworked system can encounter problems or stop working entirely. If this occurs, you'll want to make it as easy and efficient as possible for an HVAC technician to fix the system and return your A/C system to being operational once again. Advanced A/C Contracting, one of the leading air conditioning repair services in Honolulu, HI, offers some suggestions to help you prepare for a visit from an HVAC contractor.

3 Ways to Prep for HVAC Repair 

1. Take Notes on the Problem

Make a list of everything you noticed leading up to (and after) the problem. Was the central air unit making strange noises? Did you notice temperature fluctuations? Were A/C costs inordinately high? Did you spot a leak or notice an unpleasant odor? Anything you can provide to help the air conditioning repair technician diagnose the problem could reduce the time and cost required to fix the system.

2. Clear a Path to the HVAC Unit

HVAC Make sure the technician has access to the unit. Move any furniture away from an indoor air conditioner, and clear brush, weeds, and debris away from an outdoor unit. The less time the repair contractor must spend clearing a path, the less you'll be charged and the sooner your system can be up and running.   

3. Identify the HVAC Brand, Model & Age

When you call to schedule repairs, provide the dispatcher with all relevant information about your HVAC system, including the manufacturer, model, and the age of the system. This lets them bring the right tools and replacement parts and reduces the amount of running around required. Moreover, knowing the age of the unit lets you make an informed decision as to whether it's worth investing in repairs or whether replacing the system makes more sense.

The professionals at Advanced A/C Contracting are the HVAC experts in Honolulu, HI. Along with their sister company, Air Conditioning Essential Services, they encourage customers to save time and money by taking care of the preparatory steps before technicians arrive. Visit their website for contact info, or call (808) 847-4814 to schedule air conditioning repair.
