
You know the feeling—you’re enjoying a delicious hot lunch or a cold drink, when you suddenly get that sharp flash of pain in your teeth. This type of tooth sensitivity can happen to anyone, but there’s no reason for you to suffer from it. Thus, the dentists and orthodontists at Oahu Dental Care have put together this list of proven remedies to help you avoid the pain, and to get you on your way to tackling your tooth sensitivity once and for all. 

Follow these five proven tips and tricks:

  • Use Specially-Designed Toothpaste: Most dentists agree that changing your toothpaste is the best place to start for avoiding tooth sensitivity. There are several brands formulated specially to include potassium nitrate, an ingredient that protects your dentin after continued use. 
  • Change Your Brushing Habits: If you’re using a hard-bristled toothbrush, or are brushing your teeth too hard, then you’re wearing down your enamel. This exposes the underlying dentin, causing shooting bursts of pain from hot and cold foods. Try using a softer toothbrush, and brushing your teeth with less pressure for best results without damaging your teeth and gums.
  • Treat Your Gums: Advanced stages of gum disease can also expose the sensitive dentin to the elements. Even gum recession can be a big problem for tooth sensitivity if left untreated. Visit your dentist regularly to ensure that you don’t have an increased risk for periodontal disease, or any other oral health condition.
  • Treat Your Teeth Grinding: Just as hard brushing can wear away at your enamel, consistent tooth grinding can do the same thing. Ask your dentist if a mouth guard or another change in your sleeping pattern might be right for you.
  • Avoid Acidic Foods: Foods high in acidity, such as pickles, oranges, and fruit juices, can increase your teeth sensitivity from the constant wear and tear on your enamel. Sugary foods pose a similar risk, so try to limit your intake of those as well.

If you have any questions about your tooth or gum health, contact the cosmetic dentistry practice at Oahu Dental Care. Call their experts today at (808) 732-2821, or visit them online to set up an appointment, or to learn more about their dentist and orthodontist services.
