
Knowing when to bring your vehicle in for auto repair services can be difficult to discern. If you bring it to a mechanic unnecessarily, you risk losing money for nothing. If you wait too long, however, the problem may only become worse over time and cost you even more. Thankfully, the trusted mechanics at Crescent Ford in High Point, NC, are always reliable and eager to serve.

These automotive professionals understand your hesitation and your needs — and they are always honest and upfront about what services your car requires. That said, how do you know when you should bring it to them?

Top 3 Indicators Your Car Needs Auto Repair Services

1. It Feels Different

Whether you prefer to drive a new or used vehicle, it's important to have a feel for your vehicle. You should have an understanding of how it drives, what it’s sensitive to, and when it may need a little extra encouragement. If your car begins to feel as though it is driving differently, such as pulling to one side, it may require auto repair services.

2. It Sounds Different

auto repair servicesIt's always a good idea to listen to your car. Be comfortable with the sounds it makes on a regular basis. That way if, for example, you hear screeching brakes, you'll know to take it in right away to have those brakes inspected. Or, if you hear a random clunking, it could be a loose shock absorber and exhaust pipe. Thus, if you hear anything out of the ordinary, be sure to bring your car to your local mechanic.

3. It Looks Different

If you see smoke from your hood or exhaust, or if the check engine light turns on, bring your car to a vehicle service center as soon as possible. Excessive smoke from the exhaust may indicate an oil leak, while smoke from under the hood may signify there is a problem with overheating. In addition, the check engine light generally indicates an issue with the engine that should be looked at immediately.

If you notice anything different with your vehicle, from sight, sound, or feel, bring it to a trusted mechanic for auto repair services. The professionals at the family-owned Crescent Ford will be happy to guide you to make the right decisions for your vehicle while providing quality repair services when you need them. Give the team a call at (336) 869-2181 if you have any questions, or visit them online. You can also connect with them on Facebook.
