
If you dread rising temperatures in the summer because you know it means high air conditioning costs, you are not alone. Most homeowners tend to see a considerable increase in their electricity expenses during the warmer months. Fortunately, there are several ways to reduce your bill and keep more money in your wallet. The professional electrical contractors at Walker Electric are committed to helping their Andalusia, AL, clients get the most efficient use out of their HVAC systems.

Below, they suggest a few things you can do to lower your air conditioning costs:

  • Use Ceiling Fans & Window Treatments: It takes much less energy to operate ceiling fans than run the air conditioner. It’s important to take advantage of your fans to help circulate air throughout the house. In addition, you can cut down on the amount of sun shining in your windows by keeping your blinds, shades, or curtains drawn for a good portion of the day. 
  • air conditioningMaintain Your Unit: Maintaining your air conditioner is key for efficiency. Replace dirty filters often to ensure airflow isn’t blocked, keep the outside unit clear of dirt and debris, and trim foliage to keep it away from the condenser. It’s also a good idea to have your system inspected and serviced on a regular basis to encourage maximum performance.
  • Seal Doors & Windows: Entryways that aren’t properly sealed will allow cold air from your air conditioning to leak out and warm air from the outside to filter in. This will make your system work harder and consume more energy. Check for any signs of drafts, and seal them up with caulking and weather stripping.
  • Install a Programmable Thermostat: Programmable thermostats help decrease energy usage significantly. They can be programmed to adjust the indoor temperature at certain times of the day, so you aren’t wasting cool air while you’re sleeping or away from home.

While air conditioning is necessary to keep your home at a comfortable temperature, it can get quite expensive if you don’t utilize some money-saving strategies. Contact Walker Electric at (334) 222-2481, or visit them online for additional information on making your living environment more energy efficient. 
