
The transmission plays a crucial role in keeping your vehicle safe and functional. As such, when it begins showing signs of damage, acting quickly is a must. By keeping an eye out for the following four warning signs that your vehicle requires transmission repairs, you can avoid the need for a costly replacement and ensure your safety on the road.

Top 4 Signs Your Car Needs Transmission Repair

Your Vehicle Leaks Reddish, Cloudy Fluid

Healthy transmission fluid is red, pink, or clear and features a sweet scent. Leaking fluid is a definite warning sign, especially if it is reddish or cloudy. When this happens, it means your vehicle’s fluid needs to be changed. If it is not immediately addressed, you may end up needing a full replacement. 

You Have Trouble Shifting Gears

transmission repairYou should always be able to change gears without any problems. If you have trouble trying to complete this task, transmission repair is likely necessary. The issue may be coupled with clunking noises and difficulty getting your vehicle to accelerate.

You Hear Strange Noises

Buzzing, whining, clunking, grinding, and shimmying noises indicate that your transmission is not functioning properly. They may be indicative of another issue, though clunking and whining noises when your vehicle is in neutral is a clear sign of transmission problems—to know for sure, bring your car to a mechanic.

The “Check Engine” Light Comes On

If you notice that the “check engine” light has come on, call your local auto body shop right away. There are a few reasons why this may happen, and a need for transmission repairs is one of them, so bring your car to a professional to diagnose the problem before it gets worse.


If you need transmission repair services, the friendly team at All Around Auto Care in Elizabethtown, KY, is here to help. This premier auto body shop remains a regional favorite, thanks to a winning combination of outstanding service, honesty, and reasonable rates. Call (270) 737-9954 to schedule an appointment, and visit their website for more information. 
