
We all overeat from time to time, but these episodes can be very upsetting for those focused on weight loss.  It is important to reflect on how, when, and where it happened. These clues can help in prevention of future overeating.

What to know about a typical overeating episode:

This type of event is not the end of the world, it typically only amounts to 1/8 to ½ pound on the scale. What you do following the behavior is more important in the long-term. 

Some important steps following an overeating episode include:

  1. Remove yourself from the situation.  Get away from the table, go to the restroom, find a safe place to gather your thoughts.
  2. Talk to yourself positively and be sure to separate automatic thoughts that link this behavior with being a “bad” person.  Tell yourself….”I’m upset, but I am stopping.”
  3. Make plans for your next regular meal that will help to prevent meal skipping and self punishment which can be cyclical for overeating.

Practicing these techniques can help you to prevent similar episodes in the future and learn to recognize triggers that may lead you to overeat. Visit for more information on safe, effective weight loss.

