
If you haven't visited the dentist in a while, you're due for a teeth cleaning. One of the most vital oral care services you'll receive, a professional teeth cleaning complements your daily oral hygiene routine to form a complete oral care regimen. When you visit Daleville Dental in southern Alabama, Dr. Walters and his staff will take the following steps to ensure your oral health.

Getting a Teeth Cleaning? What You Should Expect

1. Dental Exam

Mirrors and other small tools allow the professionals of Daleville Dental to thoroughly examine your smile from every angle. Not only is a visual exam a good way to spot tooth decay and other problems, but it can also help identify systemic diseases that manifest symptoms in the mouth.

2. X-Rays

Not all tooth problems are visible at a glance. An X-ray gives your dentist the opportunity to examine your teeth from the inside out, including the roots, and note any problems missed in the visual exam.

3. Cleaning

Teeth CleaningProfessional teeth cleanings go beyond brushing and flossing. Your dentist will also use specialized tools to remove any buildup of tartar—a substance that is too hard to be cleaned away by a toothbrush and makes teeth appear yellow.

4. Polishing

As bacteria attacks your tooth enamel, the surface becomes slightly pitted, creating an easy foothold for further decay. Your dentist will use an abrasive toothpaste to polish your tooth enamel, resulting in a smooth, glossy surface that is harder for bacteria to colonize.

4. Fluoride

Fluoride and other minerals are necessary to keep your enamel strong. Your dentist will follow up your cleaning with a fluoride paste or varnish, which will give your teeth a boost.

With simple, regular teeth cleanings, you can prevent decay and give your dentist the chance to head off any problems. To make your next appointment, call Daleville Dental today at (334) 598-4994, or schedule a visit online.
