
That first dental visit can be an intimidating experience for a child due to the unfamiliar environment, new people, and strange activities. If you aren't careful, your little one may form a negative impression of what a pediatric dentist is like—which will hurt their dental health in the future. To keep things positive and make their first dental visit a good experience, Dentistry For Kids in Pearl City, HI, recommends preparing your child before their appointment.

How to Prepare Your Child for Their First Dental Visit

1. Regular Teeth Cleaning

To get your child used to having their teeth cleaned and examined, do it yourself at home. At the age when your child is recommended to have their first dental visit—before one year—a routine is the best way to help them understand what you want them to do.

2. Playing Pretend

First Dental VisitIf your child is a toddler, they may be old enough to make a game out of a dentist visit. Show them how the dentist will look at their mouth, and take turns playing dentist and patient.

3. Books

An age-appropriate book about visiting the dentist can also help normalize the activity. It will show your child what the office looks like and what to expect during a visit.

4. Talking to Your Child

In the days leading up to your child's appointment, explain what's coming and what to expect. Listen seriously to any concerns, and answer any questions to help set your little one at ease.

5. Visiting in Advance

If possible, you should arrange to visit your pediatric dentist before the actual appointment, just to get acquainted with them and their office. This way, your little one will not be in an unfamiliar environment when the appointment rolls around.

Your child's first dental visit will set the tone for their future oral health care. Make sure it's a positive experience. For more ideas or to schedule an appointment, call Dentistry For Kids at (808) 486-8881 or read more online.
