
Defensive driving is a phrase you hear a lot as a student driver, but over time, it can become easy to forget. Make no mistake, though: defensive driving is a critical strategy for avoiding collisions and saving lives. No matter how hectic it gets on the road, you don’t have to drive as aggressively as other drivers.

Be smart, and heed these defensive driving tips from Panorama Collision in East Rochester, NY:

  • Limit Distractions: When someone becomes more comfortable at doing something, it’s normal for them to let their guard down. For example, drivers might go on “auto pilot,” text while driving, or listen to loud music. No matter how adept you feel behind the wheel, however, don’t allow yourself to get distracted. Multitasking while driving severely limits your reaction time, no matter how skilled a driver you think you are. To avoid collisions, turn down the stereo, put down the phone, and concentrate on driving.

  • collisionConsider the Weather: One inconvenient quirk of human behavior is the propensity to copy what everyone else seems to be doing, even if it means ignoring obvious hazards. Driving in the rain, for example, is risky and presents the potential for hydroplaning and yet few drivers actually slow down in the rain. Whether they’re in a rush, overconfident in their abilities, or worried about slowing down traffic, their inattentive driving is still dangerous.

  • Drive for the Lowest Common Denominator: On the road, never assume people will be considerate. If a driver starts weaving in and out of lanes on the highway, give this person plenty of room. It isn’t only the lowest common denominator you have to look out for either—even the authorities may need to drive erratically from time to time. For example, it’s not uncommon for police to drive the wrong way on a one-way street if it helps them catch someone. As long as you always stay alert and expect the unexpected, you’ll be safer; never take others’ good judgment for granted.

You might not be able to change the behavior of aggressive or inattentive drivers, but your own actions can still make the road a safer place. If you need collision repair in East Rochester, NY, you can reach Panorama Collision for an estimate by calling (585) 381-8667. More information about the local repair shop is available online.
