
If your screen door is damaged, then Black’s Hardware in Rochester, NY, recommends visiting a screen repair shop before throwing it away. With the proper equipment and skills, an expert can fix the frame or the screen, saving you money and allowing you to keep your current door design. More often than not, you will be surprised that a quality front door can be salvaged by a screen repair shop.

Screen Repair

screen repairYour screen door is made up of the frame, hardware, and screen. When an isolated component is damaged, such as a door handle or latch, a screen repair expert can easily fix or replace it. As long as the frame is intact and in good condition, then the damaged or dirty screen can easily be removed and replaced. Even when the hardware that connects the door to the door frame is faulty, you can simply replace this isolated part. If you have an expensive or antique door, it’s almost always better to repair than replace.

Screen Replacement

When your screen door is beyond repair, then you should consider replacing it altogether. Doors that are too damaged to repair include those with rotten and decaying wood frames, as well as doors that simply have not retained their value. If your screen door was purchased at a low price, then investing in a new door will be cheaper and more beneficial. Lastly, if you’re trying to attract prospective home buyers and find ways to boost your asking price, then replacing an old screen door is better than screen repair.

By knowing how to tell whether your door can be fixed by a screen repair professional, you can make a well-informed decision and hopefully save time and money. To schedule an inspection with Black’s Hardware, call (585) 544-9896 or visit them online for an overview of their product listing and services.
