
When tooth fillings or root canals aren’t enough to stop an infection, your dentist may recommend a tooth extraction to fully remove the problem. While this procedure can help protect your oral health, having your tooth pulled at the dentist can still feel like an overwhelming experience.  It’s not something that patients need to be intimidated by though, notes Oahu Dental Care in Honolulu and Pearl City, HI. These dental experts explain that today’s advanced dental practices can make the extraction process a fairly simple one with minimal discomfort.

Guide to Tooth Extractions

Before the Extraction

First your dentist will determine the best type of extraction for you. In most cases, such as those involving tooth decay and infection, patients receive a simple extraction, where the tooth is gently loosened and removed. In other situations, a dentist will opt for a surgical extraction—a procedure where the tooth is removed after making a small incision into the gums.

If you’re having a simple extraction, you’ll likely remain awake through the process. However, your dentist will apply a local anesthetic to fully numb the area. Surgical extractions, on the other hand, usually involve a general anesthesia that will allow you to sleep through the procedure.

During the Extraction

Using a tool called an elevator, your dentist will gently rock the tooth back and forth until it is loose enough to remove with forceps. While you may feel slight pressure and hear a cracking sound, the anesthesia should prevent any pain. A surgical extraction follows the same process, but starts with the dentist carefully removing tissue to expose the tooth before removing it with forceps.

After a tooth is pulled through either method, a blood clot will start to form in the socket, signaling the beginning of the healing process. Sometime small, dissolvable stitches will be applied to the site to stop bleeding. However, most bleeding can be controlled with a gauze pad.

Recovering From the Extraction

tooth extractionIt’s important to follow your dentist’s instruction to allow for proper healing. While you may feel uncomfortable after the procedure, most pain can be relieved with rest and prescription medication. To prevent the blood clot from falling out of place—a painful scenario known as a dry socket—it’s critical that you avoid hard foods, smoking, sucking, and spitting. To help reduce swelling, you may want to apply an ice pack to your cheek. And to keep the area clean, you should gently rinse with a solution of salt and warm water.

Having a reliable and trustworthy dentist can go a long way in helping you have a successful tooth extraction experience. If you think you need to have a tooth removed in Honolulu or Pearl City, HI, Oahu Dental Care offers responsive services to help relieve pain and set you on a path to healing. Visit them online to learn more about their services. To make an appointment, call their Honolulu office at (808) 732-2821 or their Pearl City location at (808) 456-5005.
