
Not all kids pick up language skills at the same pace. While some speech delays are normal, they can make learning and socializing difficult, and eventually take a toll on a child’s self-esteem. Working with a speech therapist as part of a preschool development program can be a confidence-booster. Here’s how speech therapy helps your child feel more comfortable in their new school setting.

Eliminates Embarrassment

Some speech disorders result from articulation problems; for example, a child may struggle with certain consonants. This can be embarrassing for kids, who may begin to avoid saying words they find difficult. Articulation problems can often be corrected during early childhood development. This process usually involves breaking down speech sounds into smaller steps and mastering each one, slowly working toward full words and phrases.

Minimizes Stuttering

Another potential barrier to a child’s confidence is stuttering, which can negatively impact their self-image. Everyone stutters to some extent, but some kids have a harder time controlling it, whether due to emotional or neurological issues. Speech therapy during preschool development teaches children strategies for minimizing stutters and helping them speak fluently.

Improves Vocal Resonance

preschool development Cottleville MOVocal resonance refers to the quality of your voice. For example, speaking nasally is quiet, while speaking from your chest is loud. Some children develop bad speaking habits, and may speak hoarsely or nasally, or wheeze while talking, which can make them hard to understand. A speech therapist teaches children to project properly, which can improve their public speaking skills later in life.

Increases Independence

Children with speech problems often struggle to communicate with anyone other than close friends and family. When they learn to speak more fluently and intelligibly, they’ll feel comfortable interacting with more people. This makes it easier for kids to transition to preschool, where they will meet new teachers and classmates.

Encourages Personal Expression

When children don’t feel understood, they may stop trying to express themselves. Fortunately, speech therapy can help kids prevent this outcome. With time and practice, they’ll be able to speak confidently, knowing their thoughts are important and valued.


If you’re looking for a day care and learning center that provides a safe, engaging environment, look no further than Great Beginnings in Cottleville and St. Charles, MO. With licensed childhood development professionals who embrace both traditional and progressive teaching styles, their preschool development program enriches children’s lives and prepares them for future success. To get in touch with the Cottleville, center, call (636) 447-4212, or call (636) 724-5048 to reach the St. Charles location. Visit them online to learn more about their programs.
