
Finding suitable care options for children and elderly family members can be challenging, which is where intergenerational programs prove to be a practical option. If you’re wondering what these programs entail, the professionals at Seagull Schools Adult Day Center are here to offer assistance. Since 1971, their location in Kapolei, HI, has offered premium day care programs for both adults and children. Below, their adult day care team shares a few major benefits of opting for an intergenerational facility.

Top 3 Benefits of Intergenerational Programs

1. Socialization Opportunities for the Seniors

Intergenerational ProgramsThe impact of aging can limit your elderly relative’s ability to maintain their social life as they used to when they were young and active. Being around younger children can help fulfill their socialization needs and remain productive members of the community, even in their old age. Interacting with young children keeps their minds active and prevents the onset of dementia.

2. Bridging the Generational Gap

Intergenerational programs are designed to provide day care facilities to children and adults under one roof. This allows both age groups to understand each other’s challenges and generational insights in a clearer way. As they help seniors develop an understanding of the latest gadgets and technology, children can also learn valuable life lessons from the experiences their elderly counterparts share.

3. Sense of Community

Combining child and adult day care programs into one helps create a sense of a unified community that transcends the barriers of age. This perfectly describes the intergenerational programs at Seagull Schools. Having a preschool right next to the adult day care facility facilitates the elderly residents in cultivating friendships with their younger counterparts.

Supervised by the center’s efficient staff, the social interaction helps them exercise their mental and physical abilities efficiently. The school has also devised a number of well-planned activities to provide children and older adults with ample opportunities to interact with each other.

Place your trust in Seagull Schools Adult Day Center and see for yourself how their intergenerational programs benefit children and seniors alike. For further information about their facility and services, call (808) 674-1160 or visit their website.
