
Your drains can get clogged up for a wide variety of reasons. Although you may try to fix minor clogs on your own, there are occasions when a professional drain cleaning will be necessary. At The Plumbing Source, offering plumbing repair services in the Cleveland, OH, area, they’ll fix your clogged drain and let you know what steps you can take to avoid this type of problem in the future.

5 Signs It’s Time for A Professional Drain Cleaning

1. Odors

Drain-Cleaning-Cleveland-OHA clogged drain combined with unpleasant odors — especially in multiple rooms — could indicate a venting system blockage or a broken sewer pipe. You’ll need help from a professional to accurately identify and address the problem.

2. Slow Drains

If your drains are constantly slow, there are probably substantial buildups of minerals, rather than an easy-to-clear obstruction. Scheduling drain cleaning service will fix the problem and prevent the clog from getting worse.

3. Clogs Throughout the House

Are multiple drains throughout your home or office clogged? If so, it’s likely that the blockage is located in the main line. This is the type of problem that requires professional attention.

4. Basement Backups

Water backing up in the basement level could expose the occupants of the house to unsanitary, sewage-filled water. Instead of wasting time trying to fix it yourself, schedule drain cleaning service immediately.

5. Frequent Clogging

If a drain gets clogged frequently, the cause isn’t just a simple obstruction. A professional will have to take a closer look at your plumbing system to determine the appropriate fix.

If you need a drain cleaned in the Cleveland, OH, area and surrounding suburbs, get in touch with the experts at The Plumbing Service, on hand to help whenever you need it. For more information about drain cleaning, go online. To schedule service, or call (877) 768-7239. Same day appointments are available.
