
With plenty of daylight hours and warm weather, summer is the perfect time to take your dog on longer walks and trips to the park. Although playing outdoors is a great way to keep your pup in shape, the staff at Shar-Jo's Pet Styling & In-Home Pet Sitting says open-air fun also leaves pets vulnerable to fleas, ticks, and additional problems. That’s why they recommend regular dog grooming.

Based in Milford, OH, the company provides pet sitting and grooming services for animals throughout the area. Below, they share three simple and effective summer dog grooming tips to keep your four-legged companion happy and healthy:  

  • Brush Their Coat: With all the jumping and rolling around, your dog is bound to break a sweat. The added moisture can cause skin irritation, discomfort, and mats. To prevent this, brush your pooch on a regular basis. Not only will they love the extra attention, but removing excess hair also gives their skin a chance to breathe. You can use short- to medium-bristle brushes on short-hair breeds and combs with wide-spaced bristles for longer coats. 
  • dog groomingExamine Their Ears: If your dog is a swimmer, water can become trapped in their inner ear, causing pain and possible infections. Check their ears after swimming to keep your dog’s hearing and health intact. If you see water, gently use a cotton swab to remove it. If your pup is prone to ear infections, speak with your veterinarian about additional pet care options. 
  • Wash & Rinse: Dogs love baths just like humans, and this is the perfect time to examine them for ticks, fleas, and any skin irregularities. Depending on how active they are, wash your dog once a week, using shampoo appropriate for the breed. 

To schedule an appointment for professional dog grooming in Milford, call (513) 831-9457 today. One of the friendly groomers will fit you in the schedule and provide at-home care tips to help you maintain your dog’s comfort and health between appointments. You can visit Shar-Jo's Pet Styling & In-Home Pet Sitting online to discover the many ways they will pamper your pet. 
