
Sciatica is a pain that occurs along the sciatic nerve through the lower back, hips, buttocks, and legs. This condition is often caused when the nerve is compressed by a herniated disk or bone spur. Some people who have diabetes or cancer with a tumor growing near the spine may also develop sciatica.

Individuals who have the condition will feel pain, experience inflammation, and potentially feel numbness radiating along the nerve from the hips down the leg. The condition is diagnosed with imaging, such as X-rays, MRIs, CT scans, or electromyography that can show the spine and any compression in the area.

How Can Chiropractors Help With Sciatica?

sciaticaIf you have sciatica and live in Honolulu, HI, Randy R. Collins, D.C., can help. Along with taking doctor-prescribed narcotics and anti-inflammatory drugs, many sciatica patients find relief by visiting a chiropractor. These professionals can use physical therapy techniques like massage and gentle spinal manipulation to ease pain and other symptoms.

Learning how to have better posture and strengthening back muscles can also offer relief. A chiropractor can teach you how to follow a therapy regimen at home to promote immediate relaxation, reduce pain, and improve overall flexibility, which may be helpful in the long term.

If you have sciatica, call Randy R. Collins, D.C., at (808) 839-7474 to schedule an appointment today. To learn more about his chiropractic care services, visit his website. From treating herniated discs to auto accident personal therapy, he can help just about anyone experiencing muscle or joint pain.
