
Although there is no concrete way of preventing breast cancer, it can be caught and treated early through breast exams. According to Greece Obstetrics and Gynecology—a trusted provider of OB-GYN services in Rochester, NY—a breast exam could involve one of several tests, such as a physical assessment, a mammogram, or a more comprehensive MRI. But, when you should have an examination depends on a few different factors.

If you’re wondering when you should have a breast exam, this Rochester gynecologist recommends consulting a doctor if you:

  • Are 45 or Older: Breast cancer risk can increase with age, and as such, the American Cancer Society recommends that women have a yearly mammogram between the ages of 45 and 54. Depending on your risk, your doctor may recommend switching to a two-year mammogram schedule after you reach 55 years.
  • breast examsHave an Increased Risk of Breast Cancer: Some women may need breast exams sooner than 45 years of age if they have a higher risk of breast cancer. For example, if they have a family history of breast cancer or meet a specific genetic profile of increased risk.
  • Notice Changes in Your Breasts: If you experience sudden or atypical changes in your breast, your doctor may recommend having a breast exam. Common reasons to consult a doctor include changes in size, pain or tenderness, or detecting a lump during a self-exam.

While getting a breast examination can be a daunting experience, it is typically quick and pain-free. More importantly, it could save your life by detecting breast cancer early on. If you are curious about your screening needs or need to schedule a breast exam in Rochester, NY, the caring team at Greece Obstetrics and Gynecology has all the resources to help. To schedule a convenient appointment for OB-GYN services, contact their office today at (585) 225-6680.
