
If you were hurt in a collision that was not your fault, you may be wondering whether you should hire a car accident lawyer to help you pursue compensation for the damages. In small collisions that result in minor injuries, it may be possible to work directly with the insurance company to secure a fair settlement. When the damages are more severe or the circumstances of the collision are complicated, though, an attorney from Hensley Law Office in Flatwoods, KY, can help.

Consider a Car Accident Lawyer in These Situations

Liability Is Unclear or Contested

If it is not clear who was at fault for the collision or the other party’s insurance provider is disputing their client’s liability, a car accident lawyer can help you determine fault and build your case. In some cases, multiple parties are at fault, but a seasoned attorney will guide you through the proceedings, regardless of how complicated they might seem.  

You Sustained Severe Injuries

car accident lawyerIf you sustained debilitating injuries, the insurance company may calculate the direct costs accurately, but what about the indirect costs you will incur as a result? An experienced lawyer will help you pursue the maximum compensation possible for your injuries and ensure any settlement offer includes noneconomic damages and indirect costs, like loss of earning capacity, in addition to the more obvious damages like medical bills.

The Insurance Adjuster Is Not Working With You

Your ultimate goal of securing as much compensation as possible is in direct opposition to the insurance adjuster’s objective. If it is apparent the adjuster is not going to work with you and you need an advocate to help you secure what you deserve, consider hiring an attorney.

If you sustained debilitating injuries in a collision because of someone else’s reckless driving, contact Hensley Law Office in Flatwoods, KY. Visit the firm online to learn how they will assist with your personal injury claim, and call (606) 836-3117 to talk to a car accident lawyer today.
