
Fleas and ticks are harmful to humans and animals alike. Since they feed on blood, these parasites are known to harbor diseases that could cause serious harm to your pets like Lyme, cat scratch fever, flea-borne typhus, and anaplasmosis. These insects also rely on your cat or dog to carry them into your home where they cause problems for your family. Before calling your local fumigation service to spray your entire property, there are steps you can take to prevent these bugs from infecting your pets. Follow the guide below to protect your animals during the summer months, when fleas and ticks are most active.

Seek Year-Round Preventative Treatmentfleas Wailuku HI

These parasites thrive in temperatures between 65 and 80 degrees, which means they tend to be active year-round in temperate climates. Visit your veterinarian to determine which preventative treatment will keep your pet pest-free. Their recommendation will depend on your pet’s age and size, and whether they go outside.

To ensure the medication is effective, follow the vet’s instructions. This means discontinuing usage after the product has expired and never giving canine treatments to cats, as they contain an ingredient that is toxic to felines.

Perform Regular Checks

If your cat or dog goes outside on a regular basis, check them for fleas and ticks frequently. During the summer months, fumigation experts recommend inspecting their skin at least once a day for bites, and their fur for eggs or live insects. While not every bite will transmit a disease, it is always better to be safe than sorry. You should also schedule routine vet checkups, so they can quickly spot any signs of parasite activity.

Keep Your Yard Neat

A well-manicured lawn is less likely to harbor fleas and ticks than one with tall grass and overgrown bushes. Since these insects like to live among organic debris that is warm and moist, keep your lawn clear of leaves, grass clippings, and brush throughout the year.


If your lawn or home shows signs of flea and tick activity, don’t put your pet’s health at risk. Call Dick’s Fumigation Services today at (808) 244-7496. They provide complete insect and rodent control for homes and businesses in Wailuku, HI, and the surrounding areas. For more information about their services and prices, visit their website.  
