
There are few things more important than a well-maintained and efficient air conditioner when the summer rolls around. An overheated AC can be ineffective when you need a reprise from the sweltering heat. To help you keep your air conditioner running smoothly through the Arkansas summer, the experts from Master Technicians & Mechanicals in Crossett have three easy tips.

3 Summer Air Conditioner Tips

1. Don’t Overload Your System

When the temperature outside starts to rise, it’s basic instinct to turn your interior thermostat down as low as it will go to cool off your home. While this might create a pleasant blast of cool air, it also pushes your HVAC to work harder than it has to while it sits out in the sun and converts the air coming into your home, increasing the risk of broken components. To avoid this, choose a temperature that makes your home noticeably more comfortable, but don’t simply turn it as low as possible. 

2. Take Advantage of Fans & Windows

air conditionerCool summer nights are a great time to let the air conditioner take a break and let nature work for you. Take advantage of cool, breezy nights, and open up your windows and turn on the fan. Not only will you save money and energy, but you can also enjoy the sounds of crickets and summer thunderstorms.

3. Replace Your Filters

This should be done a few times a year, but the summer is especially important. If your air conditioner’s filter is blocked with duct and debris, cool air cannot make its way through your ducts and will cause the system to work harder, costing you more. Clean filters mean an efficient air conditioner and lower bills.

If you are in need of air conditioner maintenance or repairs in Crossett, look no further than the professional team at Master Technicians & Mechanicals. They have provided high-quality services for over 18 years and will find the right solution for you. Call them at (870) 364-3388 or visit their website to learn more.
