
While basements offer a host of advantages to homeowners, they can also serve as an incredibly appealing environment for pests to take up residence. The key to keep your basement free from bugs and wildlife is taking preventative pest control measures. Copter Pest Control of Enterprise, Alabama, has been providing residential extermination services since 1959 and lists the top three strategies for keeping termites, bedbugs, and other pests out of your basement all year long.

Top 3 Pest Control Tips for Basements 

1. Install a Dehumidifier

Pests thrive in warm, damp environments. Dehumidifiers remove the moisture from your basement, which prevents the space from attracting bugs and wildlife in the first place. Inexpensive and easy to maintain, dehumidifiers are one of the simplest preventative measures you can take to protect your basement.

2. Seal All Cracks & Crevices

pest controlFor an infestation to take hold, pests first need to have a way in. Block their entry paths by sealing all cracks and crevices. Even the smallest crack can provide a entryway from the outside into your basement. Additionally, make sure all crawlspaces are encapsulated completely. 

3. Hire a Professional

The easiest way to ensure a pest-free basement is to call in a professional. A technician will assess your property for cracks, work with you to devise a maintenance plan, spray repellant, and treat any current infestations on your property. Additionally, these professionals can warn you of risk factors you may not be aware of and work with you to address these concerns.

Looking to keep your basement pest free this summer? Call (334) 347-2430 to speak with a team member at Copter Pest Control. Also, visit the company’s website for a full list of their services and additional tips on pest prevention.
