
When Ben Franklin wrote, "A stitch in time saves nine," he was talking about darning socks, not trips to the dentist. However, the idea of preventative maintenance expounded by that wise, old Founding Father is a crucial part of effective dental care to this day. Larry G. Hubbard, the most trusted and experienced dentist in Statesboro, GA, explains below how regular dental cleaning and maintenance can help you avoid more serious procedures, such as tooth extractions, root canals, dentures, or dental implants. Known for their gentle techniques and use of IV and oral sedation, their team makes a regular trip to the dentist as painless and stress-free as possible.

How Regular Dental Cleaning Helps Prevent Future Problems

It Prevents Tooth Decay & Tooth Loss

DentistRegular dental cleaning appointments give your dentist the chance to spot tooth decay while it is still easily repaired. A timely filling prevents the cavity from spreading and compromising the whole tooth, which can occur more quickly than you might think.

It Prevents Gum Disease

Dental cleaning removes plaque and tartar, the buildup of which are natural—but too much buildup can lead to gum disease. Swollen or bleeding gums can lead to infection and, in some cases, the loosening and loss of teeth. It is therefore crucial to have plaque and tartar removed quickly and carefully by a skilled dentist.

It Lowers the Risk of Other Diseases

As tartar builds up on the teeth and around the gums, the body sees this foreign matter as a threat, and it has an immune system response. It sends leukocytes, or white blood cells, to deal with the foreign material as it would to fight off an infection. However, by placing your body in constant "threat" mode, it weakens your immune system and makes you more vulnerable to other diseases, including heart disease, stroke, and even dementia. Regular dental cleaning can prevent this. 

Larry G. Hubbard, the premier dental practice in Statesboro, GA, makes it as easy and comfortable as possible for you to undergo regular dental cleaning and avoid the problems listed above. Visit their website for contact information, or call (912) 764-9891 to schedule an appointment with a skilled, compassionate dentist today.
