
Current events have led to increased recordings of police officers by citizens and passersby. Whether at traffic stops, crime scenes, or on patrol, the right to take video has become a heavily debated topic within the field of criminal law. According to the legal team at David S. Washington, Jr. in Hamilton, OH, it’s important to understand your rights before filming a police officer. There are standards of etiquette to follow—as well as boundaries to respect—and knowing how to act and react can ensure a safer, legally protected experience.

criminal lawIn Ohio, you can legally record a police officer without consent, as long as the act doesn’t interfere with what they’re doing. While your rights are protected by the First Amendment, this doesn’t absolve the need to stay out of a law enforcer’s way. Police officers may legally request that you move or stop filming if it’s disrupting their crime scene. Also, you cannot legally film officers within a crime scene. However, you can film the police officers and crime scene so long as you aren’t standing within its designated boundaries.

Many people are hesitant to film police during ordinary interactions because they’re afraid of getting in trouble. However, if you’re given a traffic ticket, are with someone being detained, or simply speaking with police on patrol, you can record them without consequence. In some cases, this can be powerful evidence for a criminal law attorney when challenging an arrest or booking. While video can be freely used, there are some conflicts with audio. Conflicting applications of wiretapping laws on mobile devices can make recordings dismissible in court, though you’re still legally allowed to capture it. Just be aware of your state’s laws before depending on their benefit.

If you record a police officer, the most important thing to do is remain polite and understand your rights. If you feel you’ve been violated, contact a criminal law attorney at David S. Washington, Jr. They offer comprehensive legal services and will work closely with you to ensure your rights are defended. Call (513) 751-1400 today to schedule a consultation and visit their website to learn more about their personal injury services.
