
Even if you don’t wear glasses or contacts, vision care is still a vital part of making sure your eyes are healthy. There are a number of common issues that can affect anyone at any age, and it’s important to know when to see an eye doctor. The following are five common eye problems that call for professional medical attention.

3 Reasons You Should See an Eye Doctor

1. Blepharitis

This is an eye condition in which the eyelid becomes inflamed and red. It’s caused by a variety of issues, such as infections, mites, acne, and dry eye, so it’s vital to see an eye doctor to ensure you get the right diagnosis and take care of any underlying issues. Generally, the treatment includes prescription eye drops or scrubs.

2. Pink Eye

eye doctorThe highly contagious pink eye is one of the most common ailments kids suffer. Fortunately, an eye doctor can take care of this issue relatively easily: Your little one will simply require warm compresses and medicated eye drops. Health care professionals also recommend washing your hands and those of your child frequently and encouraging them to keep their hands away from their face to avoid spreading the infection further. 

3. Styes

Usually caused by an infected gland, a stye is a small, white pustule on the edge of the eyelid. If it obstructs your vision or becomes red and inflamed, you should see an eye doctor. It is important not to try to pop or pinch the stye. Just let it go away on its own.


If you’re suffering from these or other ocular health issues, The Whitefish Eye Center in Whitefish, MT, can help. Their eye doctors use the latest in advanced vision technology to diagnose and treat a vast array of disorders and diseases. Visit their website for more information, or call their friendly staff today at (406) 862-2020 for an appointment.
