

Landscape grading is the process of leveling yards by removing or adding dirt. It can also include adding rows of rocks or bricks to stop the flow of water towards a home’s foundation. It’s best to leave landscape grading to the professionals, as an experienced worker can get the job done quicker with less chance of an error.

Why Landscape Grading Matters?

An even yard free of random slopes in the grass isn’t just aesthetically appealing, it also can prevent water damage to your home. Yards containing a downward slope towards a house mean water might rush towards the home when it rains.

landscape gradingThis water could pool near the foundation, creating costly damage over time. Concentrations of water in low points of the yard could also cause problems for grass and other plants. Landscape grading can also make yards safer. Uneven ground could be a tripping hazard for anyone walking through the yard. Avoid the risk of twisted ankles or skinned knees because of uneven ground.  

The Right Foundation

It’s important to create an environment where grass and other plants can flourish after landscape grading. Reputable companies that offer a landscape grading service will also apply a layer of top soil and sod after leveling the area. Ask a project manager about their process and what’s included before agreeing to a price.  


Protect your home and foundation with quality landscape grading from River Bottom Topsoil. The landscaping professionals serve Troy, Moscow Mills, Lincoln County, Warren County, Pike County, and St. Charles County, MO. Call them today at (632) 462-5331 to find out how to improve the look of your yard. You can also visit their website to see their full list of services including mulch delivery and gravel distribution.
