
What is National Kissing Day? ~ July 6th

There are as many types of kisses as there are people to pucker up, and who doesn’t love a good kiss?  Whether it’s a quick friendly peck on the cheek between friends, or one that’s long and passionate between partners, National Kissing Day celebrates this most enjoyable of activities and the part it plays in cultures throughout the world.  If you haven’t shown your partner just how much you enjoy them, maybe National Kissing Day is your chance to remind them with a toe-curling kiss!

History of National Kissing Day

National Kissing Day was established in 2006 to focus on the kissing that takes place between lovers, and to celebrate the place it holds in our society.  One of the most surprising things about this holiday is the research that revealed that 5% of people over the age of 45 are locking lips at least 31 times per week!  Who would have thought that old fires burn so hot?  Events are organized all over to celebrate National Kissing Day, with activities for those who have lovers, and those who are looking for them.

But romantic kissing isn’t the only type of kissing that happens in our culture and society.  Among the high society, it’s not unusual to greet with a kiss on each cheek, a tradition that heralds back to the Old World.  Young children frequently gets kisses from their loving parents, though it’s something that tends to fade as children gets older.  

Over all, kissing has played an important role in social bonding for quite some time, and National Kissing Day celebrates them all!  However, nothing is worse than going in a for a romantic kiss only to find your partner has horrible breath.  Bad breath can ruin the mood in a romantic situation, and it can even make talking to or interacting with the person a challenge.  The best way to prevent this problem is to learn about the potential causes and to make an effort to avoid behaviors that might cause you to develop bad breath.

Common Causes of Bad Breath

The official name for bad breath is halitosis, and it can be caused by a wide variety of things, including poor dental hygiene.  If you don’t brush your teeth regularly, food particles will can stuck between your teeth, where they’ll promote the growth of odor-causing bacteria in your mouth. Bad habits like smoking or chewing tobacco, can also lead to mouth odor by staining teeth and irritating the gums.  Over-consumption of alcohol can give you bad breath, too, so be mindful of how much you consume.  If you eat too much food that is heavy on onions or garlic it could be bad for your breath as well.  Other foods that may impact your breath are coffee, dairy products, and meat.  

Treating and Preventing Bad Breath

The treatment options for mouth odor can vary depending on the cause of the problem.  If your bad breath results from poor dental hygiene, then adopting healthier dental hygiene habits, such as visiting Dr. Joy Lunan regularly, is the the best way to treat the problem.  Brushing and flossing your teeth twice a day and rinsing with an antibacterial mouthwash can work wonders.  If you have a severe problem – or if it is linked to tooth decay or other dental problems – Dr. Joy Lunan may prescribe a special toothpaste or mouthwash.  Making adjustments to your diet to avoid the foods mentioned above is another easy way to treat and prevent bad breath.  Drinking plenty of water and chewing sugar-free gum can improve your breath, because it stimulates saliva production in the mouth, which helps to flush out both food particles and odor-causing bacteria.  Bad breath is a very common problem, but it is easy to treat and prevent.  Engaging in healthy oral hygiene habits and being aware of what you eat and drink can work wonders in not only treating but preventing bad breath.

Now You’re Ready To Celebrate National Kissing Day

Now that you know how to treat and prevent bad breath, go on and celebrate! Wake up in the morning and kiss your partner good morning, then greet your friends with a quick kiss on the cheek to show them how much you appreciate them.  If you’re a bit more reserved, place a chaste kiss on the back of the hand of friends you hold in high regard. There’s a million different ways to deliver a kiss to those you care about, and they don’t all have to be romantic!  So on National Kissing Day, pucker up every chance you get! Just remember the breath mints. 

If you or someone you know would like to schedule an appointment for a dental cleaning please call us at Dr. Joy Lunan’s office in Middlebury today!  We would be happy to get you started on your way to healthier dental habits.  (203) 598-7920 



