
Sump pumps are critical pieces of plumbing equipment that can save you from the costly consequences of water damage. The pump redirects water that accumulates in the basement away from your home’s foundation. If you believe you need sump pump repair, don’t attempt to fix it on your own—get in touch with an expert instead.

Here are some of the reasons why you might need sump pump repair:

  • sump pump repairIncorrect Installation: Some problems can be traced back to the installation process. The sump pump may have been installed on the wrong surface, or the plumber might have failed to drill an air relief hole. If your sump pump was not installed properly, it will eventually fail, putting your home at high risk of water damage.
  • Stuck Float or Switch: Sump pumps rely on a float arm—which controls a switch—to maintain a smooth operation. If either of these two mechanisms become stuck, they will compromise the entire system. This usually occurs when the pump shifts inside the basin, rendering the float ineffective. Debris buildup can also jam the float.
  • Electrical Failure: Power surges and outages due to storms are one of the most common reasons for sump pump malfunctions. Without electricity, your sump pump will fail to operate, resulting in a flooded basement. Luckily, this is preventable if you have a backup generator to supply enough power to the pump until electricity is restored.
  • Lack of Maintenance: Sump pumps operate continuously throughout the year, so they will naturally deteriorate over time. Without regular maintenance, failure is imminent. For the best results, have your unit cleaned every couple months. Each component should be tested to determine whether repairs or adjustments are necessary.


A plumber from King’s Plumbing of West Chester, OH, can ensure your sump pump is in good condition and keep flooding at bay. This trusted plumbing company specializes in sump pump repair, drain cleaning and water line replacement. Call them today at (513) 683-9935 or visit their website for more information.
