
Receiving proper medications and dosages through a pharmacy is one way to maintain a healthy lifestyle. It’s important to take a holistic approach to health and wellness. Discover a variety of ways to keep your body and mind in tip-top shape by reading these suggestions for improving or maintaining your health.

Healthy Living Tips From Your Pharmacy

1. Get Moving

Aim to get your heart pumping at least 30 minutes every day. You don’t have to run five miles each day to gain the benefits of exercising. Start slowly by taking power walks or riding a bike. Once your body no longer feels challenged, switch up the routine by swimming laps, lifting weights, or joining a gym. Always remember that some exercise is better than no exercise.

2. Reduce Sugar Intake

Sugar seems to be in every food. It takes an extremely strict diet to avoid sugar, but a good place to start in reducing overall sugar intake is eliminating sodas, sweet coffee drinks, and artificial fruit juices. It’s also a good idea to limit treats like ice cream, cake, muffins, and other desserts to one serving per week.  

3. Cut Back on Meat

PharmacyAmericans consume too much meat, leading to an epidemic of preventable heart disease. You can reduce your risk of heart complications and high cholesterol by cutting back on beef and pork and eating more plant-based foods such as leafy greens, fruits, and whole grains.   

4. Sufficient Sleep

Adults should aim to get seven to eight hours of sleep each night. People who get more than seven hours each night can think more clearly the next day, feel more focused, and are less likely to make unhealthy choices, such as snacking on junk food.

5. Drink Water

Strive to drink at least eight glasses of water each day. There are a variety of reasons why you should drink plenty of water, including improved digestion and cell function. Drinking more than eight classes of water can also discourage you from overeating, as the brain often confuses thirst with hunger.


The caring pharmacists at Columbia Hickory Pharmacy in Howard County, MD, want to help you live your healthiest life. Call them at (410) 964-6409 with your most pressing health questions. You can also visit their website to see a full list of services including vaccines and high blood pressure management.
