
It’s important to instill proper oral hygiene habits in children from a young age, as they will take these habits with them into adulthood. The pediatric dentists at Pedodontic Associates Inc. believe dental education begins in early childhood, including exposing children to dental myths. Let’s take a look at some of these myths to share with little ones as part of ongoing attention to dental care:

  • Cavities Are Always Obvious: Not true! Children must understand that cavities don’t have to hurt to exist, and daily oral hygiene plays a big part in cavity prevention. The pain associated with cavities actually indicates an advanced state of decay, so emphasize that toothaches and tooth pain are hardly the only reasons to brush and floss.
  • Sharing Toothbrushes is Okay: Children may think sharing toothbrushes is fun, but the reality is unique bacteria is found on every brush, and sharing this bacteria can result in illness, among other health issues.
  • Brushing Aggressively is The Only Way to Keep Teeth Clean: It’s important to teach children that aggressive brushing is not great for teeth and can wear on enamel and gums. Instead, show kids how to brush gently twice daily using circular motions and soft-bristled brushes.
  • Seeing a Dentist Isn’t Necessary Unless Problems Are Apparent: Visiting a dentist regularly is necessary regardless of age and whether or not tooth problems are visible. Regular dentist visits not only give teeth a deep, plaque-removing clean, they also function as preventative measures, such as filling early-stage cavities.

If looking for an exceptional pediatric dentist, contact Pedodontic Associates Inc. by calling (808) 487-7933, or by visiting their website.
