
When it comes to pets, dogs and cats get most of the attention, but the animal kingdom offers plenty of furry — and scaly — animals that make fantastic companions. Birds, turtles, and rabbits are all child-friendly, indoor pets that can provide many years of friendship. If you have recently adopted a unique pet such as a rabbit, there may be some confusion regarding their care.

To ensure that you make the right choices when it comes to rabbit care, here are some common myths and misconceptions about this pet:

1. Rabbits Are Low-Maintenance

One of the biggest misconceptions about rabbits is that they’re low-maintenance. While they don’t need to be walked or taken outside, they should be checked on daily, and given love and affection. They also need to be given fresh water and a diet that includes pellets and fresh, leafy vegetables.

2. Rabbits Are Dirty

Rabbits are some of the cleanest pets you can own. They can learn to use a litter box and try not to excrete within their own living quarters. If their space is cleaned daily, they will not smell or become dirty.

3. They Do Not Need to See a Veterinarian

rabbit careAlthough they do not have a vaccine schedule, they should be taken to a vet once a year to check their health. Additionally, rabbits should be spayed and neutered to protect against reproductive disorders.

4. They Do Well Outdoors

Rabbits are wild animals, but once domesticated, they should spend most of their time indoors. Going outside will expose them to ticks, fleas, and the dangers of predators.

5. Rabbits Have a Short Lifespan

In the wild, rabbits have a life expectancy of just two to three years. With proper care, however, domesticated rabbits can live up to seven to 10 years, making them a long-term companion.


If you’re interested in more rabbit care tips, call The Pet Clinic in Honolulu, HI at (808) 946-5096. This pet hospital specializes in the care of various pets including birds, rabbits, cats, and dogs. To learn more about their services including bird care and veterinary dermatology, visit them online today.
