
The type of heating oil you choose has a major impact on the quality and comfort of your space. Fuel is classified into six categories, with the No. 1 and No. 2 grades commonly used in properties throughout Alaska. The professionals at Ike’s Fuel believe knowing the differences will help you pick a suitable option for your needs. Based in Juneau, the company is the area’s leading home heating oil supplier. Below, they share a brief guide to the two types of fuel to steer you to the right choice.

Juneau-Alaska-heating-oilBoth No. 1 and No. 2 heating oil are used for a range of applications. No. 1 diesel fuel is often used to operate engines in vehicles with frequent load changes, like city buses. Its fuel grade is used to power outdoor equipment, including portable stoves and heaters. No. 2 fuel oil is best used for indoor heating equipment, as it is specifically designed for residential-, industrial-, and commercial-grade burners. Its diesel form is used in vehicles that operate under consistent speeds and low load conditions, like passenger cars and trucks. 

Using inappropriate oil in heating equipment, vehicles, and additional items can damage your belongings. Before you make a purchase, check with a team member from Ike’s Fuel. They can provide additional information to help with the decision. To learn more about the high-quality heating oil available in Juneau or to schedule convenient oil delivery services, call Ike’s Fuel at (907) 364-3420 today. 
