
Whether you’re driving on the freeway or around the neighborhood, a car breakdown can be a scary and stressful experience. However, if it happens, try to remain calm. The friendly experts from Rochester, New York’s best towing company, Griff’s Auto Service, want to educate the local community on how to proceed so everyone stays safe in the event of a breakdown.

If possible, move to the right shoulder as soon as possible—especially if you’re on a high-traffic road. In many cases, you will need to slowly coast there. Keep your eye on traffic and make sure you switch your emergency hazard lights on. Just in case, always use your emergency brake. 

If you can’t coast to the side of road on the highway, whatever you do, don’t exit the vehicle. When cars are speeding by at 70 mph, doing so means risking your life. It may be stressful to sit in the car while cars back up and fly around you, but a highway patrol officer or professional towing company will be there to assist you in no time.

towing companyIn case of a nighttime breakdown, storing emergency hazard lights in your car is an excellent precautionary measure. If you’re safely on the side of the road, place them about six feet behind your car to alert other drivers. Always carry your cell phone, because you should then call an auto towing service right away.

Whether you have a flat tire or a smoking engine, never service your vehicle too close to the highway. Even if you make it to the shoulder, stick to the right side to avoid being swiped by oncoming traffic. If you have a flat tire on the left, wait until a qualified towing company arrives to bail you out of trouble.

To learn more about staying safe in the event of an emergency, contact the experts from Griff’s Auto Service. Day or night, these professionals will be there to assist you. Call the auto service center today at (585) 227-8700 or visit the website to learn more. 
