
Even though your hot water boiler plays an essential role in providing heating for your home, you probably don’t think about it too often. But if you seem to be scheduling boiler repair more frequently than you’d like, you may be thinking about replacing your old system. How can you know for sure it’s time to replace your hot water boiler? The team at Disponette Service Co. in Lexington, KY, note that a few key factors can indicate it’s time for a change.

The following issues are often a sign that you should move on from repairing your hot water boiler and start looking for a replacement:

  • Poor Energy Efficiency: The technology used to develop boilers has improved dramatically in recent years, and as a result, so has overall energy efficiency. An old boiler system with maintenance issues requires more fuel to achieve the same level of heat as a newer model. This drives up your energy costs and also increases your impact on the environment. Replacing your hot water boiler can lead to significantly lower utility bills.
  • hot water boilerCostly Maintenance: Is your boiler in frequent need of repairs and maintenance? Rather than investing in multiple service visits to keep your system running, you’d be better off using that money towards a new boiler. You may need to make the purchase sooner or later, and being proactive now could make a huge difference.
  • Old System: Even if you haven’t noticed a dramatic increase in your energy bills, continuing to use an old boiler has many hidden costs. Boiler systems naturally become less efficient as they age, and the use of old technology means you’ll likely pay far more on yearly operating costs than you would with a new boiler. Often, homeowners don’t realize how much they can save until they make the switch.

Whether you need to repair or replace your hot water boiler, the team at Disponette Service Co. will provide prompt and reliable service to keep everything operating smoothly. To learn more about their services, visit them online or call (859) 255-7157. You can also find the team on Facebook.
