
Having a pet is an incredibly rewarding experience; it’s also a tremendous responsibility. And when your pet becomes pregnant, whether it’s accidental or pre-planned, that responsibility increases tenfold.

If you need a reproductive veterinarian to help with your expecting four-legged friend, the team at Hilton Veterinary Hospital in New York has served the Monroe County community for over 25 years. Here, they offer four tips to help maintain the well-being of your pregnant pet. 

4 Pet Pregnancy Care Tips 

1. Provide Proper Nutrition 

During the first four weeks of pregnancy, feed your animal high-quality, regular pet food. During the fifth or sixth weeks, switch to puppy or kitten food, which has a higher nutritional density, and increase their feedings by 20% to 25%. During the eighth and ninth weeks, increase their food by the same percentage again. 

reproductive-veterinarian 2. Continue Exercise 

Pregnant dogs should maintain low-impact exercise like daily walks. However, don’t overexert them, especially after the sixth week. Allow them to rest when needed.  

3. Provide a Den 

Provide a den or a helping box in which your pregnant pet can give birth. Give your pet the box a few weeks before their due date so they can become accustomed to it. Fill it with soft towels or sheets that can be easily laundered or replaced, and place the box in a safe, private space. 

4. During the Birth 

Most pets can deliver their litter unassisted. However, you should still keep an eye on them during the birthing process. If your pet has active contractions but does not pass a kitten or puppy within 15 to 20 minutes, seek help from a reproductive veterinarian. Additionally, ask for help if you see the placenta or fetus protruding, but the kitten or puppy does not pass quickly, or if more than two hours passes between each delivery. 

Once they’ve given birth, schedule a pet wellness exam with a reproductive veterinarian to ensure the mother and babies are healthy. If you live in the Monroe County area, turn to the professional staff at Hilton Veterinary Hospital. Give them a call today at (585) 392-2937 to speak with a representative. You can also visit their website for more details on their dog breeding and pet health services. 
