
Inside the front portion of your eyes, there’s an ever-present fluid called aqueous humor, which nourishes your eyes and keeps them safe. However, if the fluid doesn’t drain properly, too much pressure can build up and result in glaucoma

At Comprehensive Eye Care, in Washington, MO, the eye doctors know that patients feel more comfortable with their treatment if they have a better understanding of their condition. That’s why they’re happy to answer any questions that arise. Here, they offer a brief explanation of this fluid-related optical condition.

GlaucomaGlaucoma involves damage to the optic nerve, which can result in substantially diminished eyesight, and even permanent loss of vision. Typically, the aqueous humor drains through a channel. However, in some patients, the channel becomes blocked, resulting in excessive pressure on the optic nerve. Although eye doctors don’t know for certain what causes the blockage, they do know it can be inherited genetically.

That said, genetic factors aren’t the only potential causes of glaucoma. An eye injury can also prevent the aqueous humor from draining. So can infections, exposure to harmful chemicals, inflammation, and blocked blood vessels. Most patients with glaucoma have the condition in both eyes, and while it’s most common in patients over 40 years of age, it’s not unheard of for patients as young as infants to develop the condition.

If you have a family history of glaucoma, it’s crucial to schedule frequent eye exams. You should also contact a specialist if you notice your vision is getting worse, you have diabetes, or you’ve recently suffered an eye injury. Treatment options for glaucoma range from eye drops to laser surgery.

At Comprehensive Eye Care of Washington, MO, they’ll take a close look at your eyes, assessing your particular needs. If you do have glaucoma, they’ll be vigilant, ensuring you receive the right treatment. Contact them online to learn more about becoming a patient, or call (636) 390-3999.
