
Cancer affects millions of people worldwide, regardless of age, sex, or ethnic group. Doctors and oncologists agree that early detection is the key to successfully treating the disease. The following guide to diagnostic testing outlines the methods your physician will use to detect and confirm the presence of cancer in your body.

1. Complete Blood Count

A complete blood count (CBC) is performed during most physical examinations. This test measures the ratio of white and red blood cells in the body. If there are too many of either kind, your doctor may recommend further testing.

2. Bone Scans

This diagnostic test is designed for people who may have bone cancer. During the scan, a doctor injects a small amount of radioactive material called a tracer into a vein, then measures its distribution throughout the body. If too much or too little is absorbed, it may indicate cancer is present.

3. MRIs

oncology Anchorage AKMagnetic resonance imaging, or MRI, is one of the preferred diagnostic methods in oncology because it allows for a comprehensive look at different regions of the body. MRIs are used during diagnosis and treatment to measure the size and progression of tumors. Even after a patient goes into remission, their oncologist may recommend a yearly scan to ensure their cancer has not returned.

4. PET Scans

Positron emission tomography (PET) scans are used to detect abnormal activity in soft tissues and organs. Like a bone scan, a PET scan uses a radioactive tracer to detect the presence of tumors. 

5. CT & CAT Scans

A computerized tomography (CT) or computer animated tomography (CAT) scan produces detailed cross-sectional images of the internal organs and tissues. These tests detect the presence of tumors, the cancer stage, and how far the disease has spread. They are sometimes used in conjunction with PET scans to determine the effectiveness of different cancer treatments.

6. Biopsies

A biopsy is considered to be the definitive diagnostic tool. This test is performed after another exam detects the possible presence of cancer. During a biopsy, a batch of cells is taken as a sample, then analyzed to verify the disease.


Receiving a cancer diagnosis is often scary, but the compassionate team at Alaska Oncology and Hematology, LLC in Anchorage is here to help. Their oncologists develop integrative cancer treatments that are personalized for your needs. Call (907) 279-3155 to schedule an appointment. For more information on diagnosing and treating cancer, visit their website today.
