
Brick homes evoke stately elegance. With proper maintenance, they’ll stay in good condition for years to come. In the event of damage, however, hiring a brick and stone contractor to apply a brick sealing treatment may be necessary to prevent future issues from occurring.

Brick sealants are essential for preserving the integrity of your new home. They prevent the porous brick from absorbing moisture and eventually deteriorating. If you live in a rainy climate, it’s especially important. Here are three ways to determine if your new prospective property’s bricks are damaged:

  • Independence, KY brick sealingPorosity: Under normal circumstances, an untreated brick is porous enough to soak up any moisture that it comes into contact with. If it rains or snows, the water that enters the brick can put undue stress on it and become so strong that it eventually gets pushed out completely. If those bricks aren’t repaired in due time, the resulting space allows more moisture to seep in and destroy surrounding bricks.
  • Spalling: Spalling occurs when moisture due to rainfall or snow saturates the bricks. If it’s cold enough, the water will freeze cause the surface to disintegrate. If your bricks are spalling, they may appear flaky or look like they’re peeling.
  • Efflorescence: If you notice a chalky finish covering the surface of the bricks, this could be due to efflorescence. This occurs when the water that seeps into bricks evaporates. The naturally occurring salts within the bricks then build up and leave behind a visible white film.

A brick sealing product will efficiently protect your home’s surface by preventing water from infiltrating its pores and causing long-term damage and costly repairs.


Darryl Myers Brick is the leading brick and stone contractor in Independence, KY. These master craftsmen have the magic touch for brick sealing, chimney repairs, and other masonry projects. Your satisfaction is their goal. Visit the company’s website to learn more about how they can improve your new home or call (859) 743-3850.
