
If your elderly loved one needs help with daily activities, assisted senior living might be a suitable option. Discussing the transition with your senior can be tough, but the staff at St. Charles Community has a few tips to make the process easier. Based in Covington, KY, the facility provides older individuals with independent living apartments and non-residential senior services.

Below, they share a few useful suggestions to help start the conversation about assisted senior living with your loved one:

  • Covington-Kentucky-senior-livingAccentuate the Positive: Some people associate assisted senior living with a loss of independence. Start the conversation on a positive note by emphasizing the benefits of the transition. When discussing at-home solutions, mention how much easier cooking, cleaning, and remembering to take medication will be with additional help. If you’re considering a nursing care facility, point out the amenities and services provided to residents. Focusing on advantages will make aging family members more open to the process. 
  • Schedule Facility Tours: Many seniors meet the idea of assisted living with opposition. Schedule tours of local facilities to familiarize them with the lifestyle. Sitting in on community classes, seeing living quarters, speaking to residents, and meeting the staff will help ease anxieties.
  • Take Advantage of Teachable Moments: If your senior suffers from mobility issues, living without regular care can be dangerous. If the elderly loved one recently suffered a minor injury, use the “close call” situation to bring up the topic. Mention how having a dedicated senior caregiver around for assistance will give the entire family peace of mind

To learn more about senior living options in Covington, KY, call (859) 331-3224 today. Visit St. Charles Community online to discover how they will improve your senior’s quality of life, and like them on Facebook for community announcements. 
