
Termites can wreak havoc on a home, eating their way through walls, floorboards, and other wood surfaces. To prevent infestations and minimize damage, routine inspections are crucial. But how often do you need an inspection and what do they entail? 

Guide to Termite Inspections 

How Often Do You Need an Inspection? 

Most homeowners should have their home inspected for termites once a year. However, if you live in an area prone to infestations, you may need to have it inspected more often. Termites prefer warm, humid climates and are most common in the southern states, including Texas. You may also have a higher risk of infestation if you live in a wooded area. 

What Happens During the Inspection? 

termitesDuring the inspection, the pest control expert will examine the walls, windows, and vents, as well as the basement, crawlspace, or attic to see if there are signs of a termite infestation. Many homeowners make the mistake of waiting until there are visible signs of an infestation before calling a pest control professional. By that point, the damage is already done. Routine inspections allow you to contain the infestation early and minimize its effect on your home. 

What Are Signs of Activity? 

If you notice any of the following signs, call a pest control expert immediately, as it may indicate you have an active termite infestation: 

  • Shelter Tubes: You may see shelter tubes on your walls or near the foundation. These tan- or brown-colored tubes allow light-averse termites to move throughout the home without exposure to sunlight.
  • Sagging Floor or Ceiling: You may also notice the floor or ceiling sagging, which may mean termites are eating away at the wood.
  • Discarded Wings or Droppings: Termites discard their wings once they’ve established a new colony. You may find these or droppings around the house. 
  • Wood Excavation: You may see areas where termites have burrowed into the wood. Depending on the species of termite and the size of infestation, you may see large hollow spaces. 


When you’re ready for your annual pest inspection, contact the specialists at Moore Pest Control in Hughes Springs, TX. For your convenience, they offer free termite control estimates. Call (903) 639-2884 to speak with a member of their team, or visit their website today. 
