
If you have wisdom teeth, you’ll probably need to have them removed at some point. In light of this, it’s crucial to know how to care for your mouth post-surgery. Your family dentist and oral surgeon will help you get back on your feet in no time and ensure your mouth stays healthy until it heals. For the Wisconsin Rapids, WI, community, Robert A. Klement, DDS, is the go-to source for dental care. If you’re preparing to have your wisdom teeth taken out, they say there are some tips to keep in mind.

A Family Dentist’s Aftercare Tips for Wisdom Teeth Surgery

1. Follow Your Surgeon’s Directions

Listen to the care tips prior to your surgery so you’re well prepared in advance. Are there soft foods you need to stock up on? Do you have a ride to and from the office? Whoever accompanies you to your appointment can help you change gauzes at home and set out pain medication. Your oral surgeon will write out how often you should do all of these tasks.

2. Use Salt Water to Rinse Often

family dentistIt’s so important to make sure you avoid any mouth infections after your surgery. Since you’ll have open areas in your mouth, you’ll need to rinse with salt water every few hours to keep it clean. Family dentists recommend doing this before and after meals and prior to going to bed.

3. Avoid Straws & Hard Foods

Using straws can give you a dry socket, which is a blood clot where your tooth used to be. That can send you back to the dentist and result in a longer recovery time, so avoid sipping through a straw. Also, you’ll want to avoid foods that could irritate the area. It’s best to stick to soft foods, like soup, for a few days until the area starts to heal.

4. Communicate With Your Family Dentist

If you think you might have a dry socket or are noticing your mouth is bleeding a lot, err on the safe side and give your family dentist a call as soon as possible. They may recommend you come in just to check on the issue.You’ll also need to schedule a follow-up appointment to ensure everything is healing properly.

If you’re searching for an experienced family dentist in the Wisconsin Rapids, WI, area, schedule a consultation today with Robert A. Klement, DDS. From regular teeth cleanings to cosmetic dentistry and orthodontics services, the dental team can help you with all your oral health needs. You can give them a call at (715) 421-3030 to set up an appointment, or learn more about their services on their website.
