
Professional teeth whitening at your dentist’s office is an excellent investment in a beautiful smile. The procedure is steadily growing in popularity, thanks to the outstanding, long-lasting results patients are enjoying with dentist whitening.

Once you’ve decided to ask your dentist about teeth whitening, you’ll want to do everything you can to maintain the results:

  • Avoid Certain Foods & Beverages: Berries, acidic foods, sweets, and beverages like coffee and red wine can stain your teeth or strip them of their enamel. If you do choose to consume staining foods and beverages, rinse your mouth or brush your teeth soon after.
  • teeth whiteningDrink Through a Straw: Using a straw allows liquids to bypass your white teeth. Choose a straw whenever you can. Drinking coffee or wine through a straw might feel silly at first, but these drinks are known for staining teeth, and your bright smile will be worth it.
  • Use Whitening Toothpaste: It might seem redundant to use a whitening toothpaste after teeth whitening, but it’s an excellent way to brush away stains before they build up and discolor your teeth again.
  • Ask Your Dentist About Touchups: If you want to keep your teeth whitening treatment fresh and bright, consider scheduling a touchup in a year.  
  • Don’t Smoke: Smoking is a major cause of stained teeth. If you are investing in teeth whitening to brighten tobacco-stained teeth, and you are still smoking, consider participating in a smoking cessation program. It will go a long way toward protecting your teeth and your health.

Dentist-administered teeth whitening is an easy way to enhance your natural beauty and improve confidence. It’s more affordable than you think and well worth the investment. Talk with a local general or cosmetic dentist today.


Dr. Mike Olsen of the Dental Clinic of Onalaska will keep your smile bright, beautiful, and healthy with quality dental care services for the whole family. The small, friendly atmosphere and nurturing staff will put you at ease while you take advantage of the latest technologies in dental care. Call (608) 783-3341 or request your appointment online today.
