
Summer’s heat, storms, and sunshine all mean you need to adjust your lawn care routine. Fortunately, there are some simple steps you can take to have thick, green grass all season long. Sharp Lawn Inc., a top landscaping company in Lexington, KY, helps residential and commercial clients prepare their yards for the return of hot weather. Below, they share their best lawn care tips, so yours thrives this summer.

Mow Properly

Many people believe their lawn needs to be cut short, so it doesn’t dry out, but grass should be left longer in the summer to help shade new growth from harsh sunlight. Landscaping companies recommend mowing weekly, keeping grass no more than three and a half inches long during the hottest months. Change your mowing pattern each time to prevent compaction and encourage thicker, healthier grass. Never cut more than 30% of the length, or you will impede your lawn’s growth.

Water Consistently

Rainfall and soil moisture should be your lawn’s primary sources of water, but recently seeded patches may require more. Developing a consistent watering pattern will help new grass get into a robust growing routine. To maximize consistency, have a landscape design expert install an automated sprinkler system. Set the sprinklers to activate in the morning when the air is cool, and the water is less likely to evaporate.

The easiest way to ensure your yard gets the lawn care it needs is to hire a team of professionals like Sharp Lawn Inc. They’re a family-owned landscaping service with the skills to help you grow the grass of your dreams. Call them at (859) 253-6688 for an estimate or go online for more information about their services.
