
Weeds in your lawn and garden rob your plants and grass of sunlight and nutrients from the soil. Caring for your yard costs time and money, so you want to do everything you can to keep it healthy. Fortunately, there are a few simple steps you can take to control weeds. The friendly professionals at Taylor’s Weed & Pest Control of Hobbs, NM, understand the frustration that comes with spotting unwanted plants in your yard, so they’ve prepared a guide that can help you eliminate weeds.

Use Mulch

Mulch keeps the soil around your plants cool and moist while creating a physical barrier that keeps sunlight away from weeds. For the most effective results, your mulch layer should be about two inches deep to block sunlight without depriving the soil of oxygen.

weed control Hobbs NMTake Advantage of Shade

Leaving space between plants gives them room to grow, but too much space can invite weeds. Planting flowers and shrubs close together creates shade that controls weeds by choking out established growth and preventing future germination. The care instructions on your pots and seed packets may have information about the ideal spacing—and remember to account for the mature size of the plants before you place them too close together.

Apply Preventative Weed Killer

If you have a problem with weeds in your lawn during a specific season, applying a preventative weed killer from a local home improvement store can give you good results without ruining your grass. Proper lawn care can also help you control weeds. Deep watering, mowing at the correct height, and feeding your grass at the appropriate times makes it more resistant to weed infestations.

If unwanted plants have taken over your yard, these tips can help you control weeds and reclaim your lawn and garden. If you need professional help getting rid of stubborn growth, you can count on the experts at Taylor’s Weed & Pest Control. Serving Hobbs and the surrounding areas, this pest control and lawn care company does it all, from termite treatments to tree trimming. For more information about their services, call (575) 492-9247 or visit them online.
